Installing and adding plugin
To install a new plugin, copy the unzipped plugin to your editor’s plugin directory ‘editor/plugins’ (e.g. for the placeholder plugin the path to its fckplugin.js file would be ‘editor/plugins/placeholder/fckplugin.js’). That’s all!
You can then add the plugin in your custom Configuration File. You can either change the default path, and add it, or use the third paramter to FCKConfig.Plugins.Add to specify the path to the plugin:
// Change the default plugin path.
FCKConfig.PluginsPath = FCKConfig.BasePath.substr(0, FCKConfig.BasePath.length - 7) + '_samples/_plugins/' ;
// Add our plugin to the plugins list.
// FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( pluginName, availableLanguages )
// pluginName: The plugin name. The plugin directory must match this name.
// availableLanguages: a list of available language files for the plugin (separated by a comma).
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'findreplace', 'en,it,fr' ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'samples' )
// If you want to use plugins found on other directories, just use the third parameter.
var sOtherPluginPath = FCKConfig.BasePath.substr(0, FCKConfig.BasePath.length - 7) + 'editor/plugins/' ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'placeholder', 'en,it,de,fr', sOtherPluginPath ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'tablecommands', null, sOtherPluginPath ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'simplecommands', null, sOtherPluginPath ) ;
Some Useful FCKeditor Plugins you can download from here.