FCKeditor Plugins Repository – 1

Installing and adding plugin


To install a new plugin, copy the unzipped plugin to your editor’s plugin directory ‘editor/plugins’ (e.g. for the placeholder plugin the path to its fckplugin.js file would be ‘editor/plugins/placeholder/fckplugin.js’). That’s all!


You can then add the plugin in your custom Configuration File. You can either change the default path, and add it, or use the third paramter to FCKConfig.Plugins.Add to specify the path to the plugin:

// Change the default plugin path.
FCKConfig.PluginsPath = FCKConfig.BasePath.substr(0, FCKConfig.BasePath.length - 7) + '_samples/_plugins/' ;

// Add our plugin to the plugins list.
// FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( pluginName, availableLanguages )
// pluginName: The plugin name. The plugin directory must match this name.
// availableLanguages: a list of available language files for the plugin (separated by a comma).
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'findreplace', 'en,it,fr' ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'samples' ) 

// If you want to use plugins found on other directories, just use the third parameter.
var sOtherPluginPath = FCKConfig.BasePath.substr(0, FCKConfig.BasePath.length - 7) + 'editor/plugins/' ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'placeholder', 'en,it,de,fr', sOtherPluginPath ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'tablecommands', null, sOtherPluginPath ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'simplecommands', null, sOtherPluginPath ) ;

Some Useful FCKeditor Plugins you can download from here.

Pali Characters toolbar buttons plugin

Code Syntax Highlight Plugin

Swfobject plugin

Zoom plugin.

Skype status button

LaTeX Equation Plugin

GoogleMaps plugin



Spell Check Plugin for FCKeditor using pspell of PHP

FLV Player Plugin

Image Mapping (interactive areas)

GeSHiPro code highlighter for FCKeditor

Add simple delete to file browser window.

repeat button

MimeTex Editor Plugin

German file for Abbr-Plugin

Runtime toolbar switching: Switchtoolbar plugin

Advanced Fckeditor Ajax File/Image Manager

Inline Language Switcher for FCKeditor




Table Popup window replacement

RichSpecialChar for FCKeditor

Add HTML Code for 2.4

DbLink Plugin for phpnuke

Universal Keyboard for version 2.4

Transparent Plugin

Marquee Plugin

kfm 0.8 – file manager for fckeditor

Insert,Change, Delete Acronym-Title (Mouse-Popup-Text)

MODx site link plugin


Realtime Spellchecker (Firefox 2.0)

AA Inline Style Editor

EasyUpload plugin

Custom Characters plugin

AJAX Save Plugin and CTRL+S save option


CharsCounter (and MaxLength) plugin(VER 2.3 fix)

Custom XML tags support and Locked regions

BiDi support

ServerPreview: process the preview at the server

Formula Editor Plugin

Maximize In Dialog

eZ Publish Integration

Non-breaking Space Plugin

ImageManager Plugin for FCK

Extended nodepath


What is WordPress MU?

WordPress MU, or multi-user, is designed to runn hundreds of thousands of blogs with a single install.
You can pronounciation like wordpress mu(EM-YEW) or you can aslo call “WordPress Mooooo”

Who are using WordPress MU?
•    Newspapers and magazines.
•    Big Universities
•    Blog networks
•    Niche-specific blog hosts
•    WordPress.com uses WordPress MU!!
Features of WordPress MU.

Code which differs on wordpress mu side is that is bootstrap files, and administration for multiple blogs and users. Most of the basic code is same for both. I can say 95-99% that is amazing.
Wordpress mu can have multiple authors and you can assign different roles.

Most of the plug-in work just like in regular WordPress because basic frame of the code is same but of course not all.
But some that modify core tables or create tables of their own in the DB might have difficulties, depending on how they’re coded.

Worpress Mu can be configured on sub-domains or top level domain, just like regular wordpress.

You can enable Akismet spam protection same like your favorite one!!  But Developer of the wordpress mu prefer to go for Pro-blogger API key.

WordPress MU creates tables for each blog, which is the system we found worked best for plugin compatibility and scaling after lots of testing and trial and error. This takes advantage of existing OS-level and MySQL query caches and also makes it infinitely easier to segment user data, which is what all services that grow beyond a single box eventually have to do.
Lastly you can ask can I develop wordpress mu so the answer is pretty simple! YES because if you are familer with wordpress you will feel pretty comfortable with WordPress Mooooo!!


How to Install Zend Framework?

Basic step by step easy to install Zend Framework video.

Getting Started

Get the Flash Player to see this content.


Get the Flash Player to see this content.

Controllers and Views

Get the Flash Player to see this content.

Extending your ZF application

Get the Flash Player to see this content.


Linux faqs

How to find out which Linux version you are running?
# cat /proc/version

Output – Linux version 2.6.27-6_1.intel.BHsmp (kernel@bluehost.com) (gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-10)) #1 SMP Thu Nov 13 15:27:29 MST 2008

how do I show all installed packages in Linux?
# rpm -qa | less
This workes in Red Hat/Fedora Core/CentOS Linux


Commonly Used MySQL Commands.

To login from linux shell
Mysql>;  -h hostname -u root -p

List all available databases with that username.
Show databases;

To use a database –
Use dbname;

To see tables within selected database;
show tables;

To see table field formats;
describe [xyzTableName];

To delete database –
Drop database [xyzDatabase];

To delete a table –

Drop table [xyzTableName];

Show all data in a table –
SELECT * FROM  xyzTableName;


What is Frontpage Extension?

You would have seen term ‘Frontpage Extensions’ so many times in Cpanel do you know what is that ?

Frontpage Extensions allow you to publish your site directly from the FrontPage application. This means that you will not have to upload files through FTP, or another method.

Warning: Installing or uninstalling Frontpage Extensions will result in the loss of all “.htaccess” files in your web area. Any changes you have made to your “.htaccess” files will be lost. Any directories you have protected with WebProtect will become unprotected until you reprotect them.


Why you should use Linux?

  • Unlike many single user desktop console based operating systems, Linux is a multi-user, multi-tasking, network enabled operating system accessible from anywhere on the network.
  • Multiple users can access a Linux computer remotely, each running their own individual desktop instance, all at the same time.
  • The Linux/Unix X-Windows network enabled multi-user windowing system allows full remote access.

    This is a sharp contrast to a single user console based OS which requires the user to be physically present at the computer in order to access his desktop and applications, limiting access to one user at a time.

  • The Linux/Unix OS was designed to support remote and secure multi-user access using ssh.
  • This gives all Linux/Unix administrators and users a powerful flexible standard remote interface while the automobile is often the primary remote access tool of other OS administrators (i.e. Windows 98 and NT).
  • Linux/Unix shell scripts provide a batch scripting capability which can be scheduled, propagated to other systems.
  • Future and advanced development is ensured as the source code is available to all. It is studied in universities and institutions worldwide.
  • PhD candidates and corporate researchers use Linux to try advanced computing concepts.
  • Linux is here to stay; it is getting stronger day by day, and that is good from a technical, financial and economic point of view.

PHP e-books download

Click on links below to download your desired ebook! if you don’t find any book which you are looking for just just drop a mail here, i assure you you will get a copy of that book!!

Click here to mail

  1. Beginning PHP
  2. PHP 5 and MySql Bible
  3. PHP and MySQL Web Development
  4. Professional PHP Programming
  5. PHP Hacks and tips for creating dynamic websites
  6. Secure PHP Development : Building Practical Applications
  7. Apress : Professional PHP

How to search in google for better results?

Just go to Google.com and punch “site:rapidshare.com” followed by:

* “inurl:pdf” for Ebooks in PDF Format
* “inurl:avi|wmv|mpg|nva” for Movies
* “inurl:mp3|ogg|wma” for Audio Files
* “inurl:exe” for executable application
* “inurl:zip|rar|7zip|tar” for RAR, ZIP, 7ZIP or TAR compressed archieve


If your searching for Google Earth in ZIP format, then you must search for “site:rapidshare.com inurl:zip google earth” (obviously without the quotes)

Similarly if your searching for XYZ video, then it should be something like “site:rapidshare.com nurl:avi|wmv|mpg|nva XYZ”


What is diffrence between echo and print?

Print method can return a true/false value. This may be helpful during a script execution of somesort. If you need to output data through a function, you can use print()

Echo does not return a value, but has been considered as a faster executed command. echo is not a function and, as such, it does not have a return value.
echo 30;
print (30);
