How to check which apache modules are installed using php?

If you don’t have command line access use this code to see which apache modules are installed.


This will show a list like that.
By the way this not my server 🙂

[0] => core
[1] => prefork
[2] => http_core
[3] => mod_so
[4] => mod_auth_basic
[5] => mod_auth_digest
[6] => mod_authn_file
[7] => mod_authn_alias
[8] => mod_authn_anon
[9] => mod_authn_dbm
[10] => mod_authn_default
[11] => mod_authz_host
[12] => mod_authz_user
[13] => mod_authz_owner
[14] => mod_authz_groupfile
[15] => mod_authz_dbm
[16] => mod_authz_default
[17] => util_ldap
[18] => mod_authnz_ldap
[19] => mod_include
[20] => mod_log_config
[21] => mod_logio
[22] => mod_env
[23] => mod_ext_filter
[24] => mod_mime_magic
[25] => mod_expires
[26] => mod_deflate
[27] => mod_headers
[28] => mod_usertrack
[29] => mod_setenvif
[30] => mod_mime
[31] => mod_dav
[32] => mod_status
[33] => mod_autoindex
[34] => mod_info
[35] => mod_dav_fs
[36] => mod_vhost_alias
[37] => mod_negotiation
[38] => mod_dir
[39] => mod_actions
[40] => mod_speling
[41] => mod_userdir
[42] => mod_alias
[43] => mod_substitute
[44] => mod_rewrite
[45] => mod_proxy
[46] => mod_proxy_balancer
[47] => mod_proxy_ftp
[48] => mod_proxy_http
[49] => mod_proxy_ajp
[50] => mod_proxy_connect
[51] => mod_cache
[52] => mod_suexec
[53] => mod_disk_cache


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